Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So, I don't have any pictures of this but, ELLA TOOK HER FIRST STEPS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! The two of us were just playing in the living room this afternoon. I stood up and started to walk into the kitchen, there behind me was Ella, following me!!! She took three steps on her own!!! It was hilarious. I don't think she quite gets the whole walking thing yet. She was looking around like, "oh my goodness, no one is holding my hand!!!" She then took another 6 steps to try to get the baby monitor I was holding!! My sweet little baby is growing up WAY too fast!!! I promise we'll figure out how to post videos and put one up of her walking. Hope everyone is doing well!!!!


The Foley Five said...

What a big girl! It's all over once she can walk... get the baby gates out!! :-)

TM :) said...

Oh my gosh you are kidding me!!!! I need to get over there...pronto!!!