Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ella's New Sandbox/Pool

Our completed project!!! We're such weekend warriors!!!
Loving some dirt

Swimmers take your mark...go!!!

Good form, Daddy is so proud!!!

Loving that dirt. Thank goodness for such funny kids. After a day like we had today, she certainly made me laugh tonight!!

How I Spent My Weekend...

I had so much fun this year with my gardens, we decided to increase the space!!! This past weekend we spent digging out two new beds for me to use next year!!! I'm so excited to try new fruits and veggies next year!!! I am so proud of our handy work...Ella was such a big help too!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Perfect Moments

We have been so lucky with the weather this week. It has been absolutely amazing. Ella and I have eaten almost all of our meals outside. Tonight was especially incredible. Drew, Ella, Lily and I sat out on the deck for a few hours tonight. We have been so lucky with our incredible yard. We discussed how hard it is going to be when/if we ever move from this yard...the house is a different story.

Our awesome apple tree!!! I made applesauce, apple cake, and apple bread this week. It was the craziest thing. I walked out to the backyard, picked some apples then came in a baked...too crazy for words!!!


Poor Lily!!!

Mommy's Helper

Ella and I made an amazing dinner tonight...Balsamic Chicken with Mushrooms!! Ella "cut" up the mushrooms for me. She really loves helping in the kitchen!!

Baby Zoe

Sweet Baby Zoe!! Ella let Baby Zoe wear her hat today. Huge deal for us, Ella struggles with sharing her things. I was so proud for the 10 seconds it lasted!!!
Snuggle Baby Zoe. I brought a blanket out on the deck for Zoe to lay on while we read books, well, of course Ella needed to lay down and snuggle too.

We working on our "gentle fingers." My sister and I have decided that Ella is quite the scrappy kid. She plays so hard. We're having to work on being very careful of our small friends.

More snuggles!!!

Feed Mo-Mo

Ella still adores her Mo-mo. Yesterday, she came running into the living room "Mo-mo bib, Mo-Mo bib on." I followed her into the playroom to find Elmo sitting in the baby highchair getting ready to eat. We put Elmo's bib on and Ella fed him lettuce...I'm so proud. Such a healthy girl!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Snuggle Colby

We always know when Ella isn't feeling so hot, she's so cuddly!!! Uncle Colby was the one she chose to cuddle with this time!!

Ella Goes to the Farm!!!

Drew and his parents took Ella to the Farm last weekend. Poor mommy had to work!! They had a blast!! Ella loves all the animals. Its funny, she talks about the goats all of the time, but when she is actually there, she's a little freaked out by them!!

Ella's Best Friend!!!

I have been trying to download videos on this for years. I think I have finally figured it out. This is a video of Ella playing with Lily. It starts off so cute so I had to put it on the blog. However, it does end a little inappropriately. This is a slightly PG-13 video!!

Ella Regresses

We started watching our friend's little munchkin a few weeks ago. Baby Zoe was not quite 3 months when we started watching her. Ella has decided she likes the infant carrier better than her big car seat!!

Just Too Cute!!!

I actually took this picture 8/28/09...she needed to wear a coat in August. No, we didn't move, we're still in Kansas City!!! I really lucked out this summer. I think we had maybe 2-3weeks of the brutal heat, and that was it!!! I loved it. Can't wait for cool weather to stay.