Monday, April 28, 2008

Story Time with Nana

Ella loves reading books, well she loves have books read to her. I think Drew and I have almost all of her current books mesmerized by now. We read at all of her nap times and at bed time. I think she's going to be an voracious reader, just like her mom!!!

Sink Time

Bathing beauty. Ella got a little dirty before bed time so we decided to just stick her in the sink. She loved it.
This is my sister's favorite picture of Ella. She thinks it is so funny how Ella is posed so perfectly with her knee popped, her elbow resting on her knee, and her head on her hand. I think we have a child model on our hands...or maybe just a ham!!!

A Real Nail Biter!!!

Drew was in absolute heaven, Ella watched the Master's with him for a while. He's really hoping she'll love golf as much as he does...good luck!!!


We finally are starting to have some nice weather. Our daffodils are blooming, the grass is green, its fabulous!!! It is so much fun watching Ella explore this great big new world!!!

Nana's Birthday

Ella looking up adoringly at Nana!!
Great Marty and all the Kansas City great kids.
Ella with Great Marty. What sweet gals!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No More Bottle for Ella

We decided that it is time for Ella to learn to drink from a glass. We're tired of this whole bottle thing, she's old enough, right??!!! She was too funny last night. She was eyeing Drew's glass, so we decided to try it out. She got a little bit in her mouth, most of it went down her front!!!
I think the glass was bigger than her face. She loved it. She kept going back for more.

Sittin' Pretty

We have been working on sitting up on our own. We've almost got the hang of it, but it is quite tricky.
Oops, we don't have it quite yet. Thank goodness dad was there to the rescue!!
Look at what a big girl she is, sitting all by herself.
And we tumble again!!! Almost there!!!

Cousin Sleepover

They sure look sweet when they are sleeping, just like babies. We watched Drew's brother's dog, Macy, this past weekend. Lily thinks she is a person, playing with other dogs is beneath her. Poor Macy, she just wanted someone to play with. Maybe someday Lily will realize that she's a dog too.